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Siemens S7-1200 “Modbus RTU” TK4S Autonics Tutorial

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PLC S7-1200 Siemens is one of the most famous PLCs in the world, it supports very diverse communication standards such as Ethernet, Profinet, RS232, RS485… and today will guide the you use it to connect to the Autonics TK4S temperature controller.

We need to use more Module S7-1200 CB1241 (or S7-1200 CM1241) so that the PLC has RS485, along with that, the TK4S must also choose a model that supports RS485.

Siemens S7-1200 & Autonics TK4S “Wiring Diagram”

TK4S Modbus-RTU Parameters Setting

To set communication parameters for TK4S we need to go to Cluster Parameters.4 ( choose 8bit/Even/1bit communication type).

TK4S > Mode > PAr.4

  • AdrS = 1 (Address No.1)
  • bPS = 9.6 (9600bps)
  • Prty = EvEn (Parity check)
  • StP = 1 (Stop bit)
  • rSy.t = 20 (Response time)
Register Address for Set Temperature
  • Address = 0000 (hexa)
  • Func = 06
Register Address for Temperature Monitoring
  • Address = 03E8 (hexa)
  • Func = 04

PLC S7-1200 Modbus RTU Configuration

Configuration Module S7 1200 CB1241 same TK4S Parameters Setting

Modbus Data Block

Siemens S7-1200 Programming

+ Auto Read/Write Distribution

+ Modbus Communication Setting

+ TK4S Setting Temperature Command

+ TK4S Temperature Monitoring Command

Detailed Instruction Video


Required software and documentation:

Password Extract:

If you have any difficulties in connecting S7-1200 and TK4S, please comment below the article.

Best Regards!

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