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PLC Omron “Modbus RTU” Autonics TK4S Tutorial

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Hello friends.
In the era of industrialization associated with IoT, automatic temperature control in factories and machines is a necessity for any factory. TK4S is a low-cost and high-quality Autonics temperature controller that is widely used in many factories.

Today will guide you to use the Omron CP1H PLC to connect to the E5CC controller via Modbus-RTU. This will help us to store temperature data easily.

Autonics TK4S & Omron CP1H ” Connection Diagram”

Note: If communication distance > 100m, need to use an additional 120Ω resistor

TK4S Modbus-RTU Configuration

Press Mode > PAr.4 (Watch the video below the article for detailed instructions)

+ AdrS: 1 (Address Slave)

+ bPS: 9.6 (Baudrate)

+ Prty: EvEn (Parity Check)

+ StP: 1 (Stop bit)

+ rSy.t: 20 (Response Time)

Register for Control

>>> Set Temperature Address = 0000 (hex) / Func: 06

Register for Monitoring

>>> Temperature Monitoring = 3E8 (hex) / Func: 04

CP1H Communication Configuration

We configure CP1H PLC like TK4S (8bit/Even/1bit)

Omron CP1H Programming

+ Auto Read/Write Command

+ Temperature Setting Command

+ Temperature Read Command

Detailed Instruction Video


Supporting Document:

+ TK4S Modbus Manual PDF Download (Password:

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