Drives Inverters Guides PLC Guides

Mitsubishi FX3U “Servo Control” Panasonic Minas A6 Tutorial

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Hello everyone, Mitsubishi PLC is one of Mitsubishi Electric’s best-selling PLCs. It has compact size, cheap price, good quality, meets most of small automation applications. It can also generate pulses to drive Stepper Motor or Servo Motor

Today will guide you to use PLC FX3U to control Panasonic Minas A6 Servo Motor in the simplest and easiest way.

Mitsubishi FX3U & Minas A6 Servo “Wiring Diagram”

+ Note: Only Transistor Output type FX3U PLCs support high speed pulse generation to control Stepping/Servo Motor

I/O Address


+ X0: ORG Sensor

+ X1: Forward Limit Sensor

+ X2: Reverse Limit Sensor


+ Y0: Pulse Output

+ Y4: Direction Output

+ Y5: Servo ON/OFF

Panasonic Minas-A6 Drive Parameters Setting

Below are the basic parameters that we need to install for the Panasonic Minas A6 so that it can receive speed pulse control from the PLC

This is a table of parameters that has installed to use in this project, you can use Panaterm V6.0 software to install (Download link below the article) or use manual settings on the buttons of Minas A6 Drive.

Mitsubishi FX3U Instructions Explained

Zero Return” Instruction
  • S1: ORG Sensor (near-point signal (DOG) input device numbe)
  • S2: Z-Phase signal input ( from Servo Motor)
  • D1: Pulse output number
  • D2: Rotation direction signal output
“Absolute Pulses Output” Instruction
  • S1: Number of output pulses (Absolute address)
  • S2: Output pulse frequency (Speed)
  • D1: Pulse output number
  • D2: Rotation direction signal output
“Increment Pulses Output” Instruction

FX3U PLC Programming Example

+ Servo On/Off Control & Origin Recover

+ Axis Jog Command

+ Axis Multi-Position Control Command

Video Tutorial


Softwares and document for the project
+ Download Mitsubishi GX Works2 Software
+ Panasonic Panaterm V6.0 Software Download
+ Panasonic Minas A6 Servo Manual PDF Download

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If in the process of using the Mitsubishi FX3U PLC to control the Panasonic A6 Servo, you have any difficulties, please comment below the article, will reply to you as soon as I read the comments.

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