PLC Siemens S7-1200 is one of the most popular PLC types in the world today, it has a built-in Profinet port, which is very convenient for connecting SCADA software as well as HMI.
HMI Proface from Japan (now owned by Schneider Electric) is a cheap but extremely good quality screen. Today will guide you to connect HMI Proface GP4402WW to PLC Siemens S7 1200
Proface GP4402WW & S7-1200 Connection

Proface GP4402WW Communication Setting
Set the Destination IP the same as the PLC’s IP
+ PLC IP Settings

+ HMI IP Destination Setting

Video Tutorial
Recommended Software
>>> Download TIA Portal for S7 1200 PLC Programming
>>> GP ProEX V4 for Proface HMI Software Download
If you need any assistance in connecting the HMI Proface GP4402WW to the Siemens PLC, please comment below the article. will reply to you as soon as I read it.
Best Regards!
Hallo, Excuse me,
i will Connect HMI Proface GP-4401WW with PLC Siemens S7-1200, for all setting IP Address in HMI, and Setting ‘Device PLC’ have correct, but message display in HMI => RHAA041 : PLC1 : Illegal Response for device read command, what can i do for this problem? Please Help me, & thank you very much.
IP PLC :, IP HMI :, Ping Test PC to HMI its Ok….
GP4401WW is the same as GP4402WW, check the connection type and addresses
arif hocam çözdünüz mü sorunu
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