Hello everyone!
Today plc247.com would like to continue to guide you to control Mitsubishi E700 Series inverters with Modbus RTU standard by Mitsubishi’s own FX3U PLC (combined with FX3U-485ADP)
FR E700 Series has FX3U native communication mode support, however it does not support as many stations as Modbus RTU
Wiring Diagram FX3U 485ADP MB & FR E720 VFD

Communication Configuration FR-E720 VFD
In addition to the basic parameters of the inverter (frequency, voltage, current), the following are the parameters of the inverter that supports communication:

In this project, plc247.com set the following parameters:
+ Pr117: Slave Address = 1
+ Pr118: Baud rate = 3 (9600)
+ Pr119: Bit-length & Stop bit = 0 (8bit & 1)
+ Pr120: Parity check = 2 (Even)
+ Pr121: = 9999
+ Pr122: = 9999
+ Pr123: = 9999
+ Pr124: = 1
+ Pr340: = 1
+ Pr549: = 1
+ Pr79: = 2 – External Mode ( Last Setting )
Modbus Registers Address
With the FR-E700 Series inverter controlled via Modbus-RTU, the Modbus address will be calculated as follows:
Starting register address (decimal) – 40001
Ex: Parameter clear Modbus Address = (40003 – 40001) = 2
Addresses to receive commands written from the PLC

+ Setting Frequency = 40014 – 40001 = 13 (dec) = D (hex)
+ Motor Control Address = 40009 – 40001 = 8 (dec) = 8 (hex)
- Forward Run = 0000 0000 0000 0010 = 2
- Reverse Run = 0000 0000 0000 0100 = 4
- Stop command = 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0
Data Monitor Reponse

In the project I read 3 main parameters feedback from the inverter:
+ Output Freequency = 40201 – 40001 = 200 (dec) = C8 (hex)
+ Output Current
+ Output Voltage
FX3U Programming Guide
In the program I use Module FX3U-485ADP-MB in position CH2
+ Communication Configuration

+ Distribution Write Read

+ Frequency setting and Motor control

+ Read response data from VFD

Detailed Test Instruction Video
You can download the FR-E700 Series brochure here:
+ Mitsusbishi FR E700 Series Manual PDF (Password: plc247.com)
Please comment below if you have any questions
Best Regards!