Hello everyone, today plc247.com continues to write a tutorial for you to practice connecting PLCs with inverters via Modbus communication standard
Today I will use an extremely famous and popular PLC in the world, Mitsubishi FX3U combined with the FX3U-485ADP-MB Module.
Connection Diagram FX3U & VFD-M

DELTA VFD-M Inverter Configuration
To be able to switch the inverter to Modbus control mode, we need to set the following parameters:
+ Pr00: “03” – Setting Frequency via RS485
+ Pr01: “04” – Motor Control Run via RS485
+ Pr88: “01” – Modbus Slave Station #1
+ Pr89: “01” – Baud Rate 9600bps
+ Pr92: “04” – Modbus RTU ( 8, 1, E )
+ Pr157: “01” – Modbus-RTU Selection
Modbus Address Register
Addresses to receive control commands from the PLC

+ Use address 2000H for Start/Stop control
- Run Forward (FWD): = 0000.0000.0001.0010 (Bin) = 12 (Hexa)
- Run Reverse (REV): = 0000.0000.0010.0010 (Bin) = 22 (Hexa)
- Stop: = 0000.0000.0000.0001 = 1
+ Frequency Setting: 2001H
Data Monitor Register

In the dark project read 4 important parameters including:
- 2103H: Output Frequency
- 2104H: Output Current
- 2105H: DC-BUS Voltage
- 2106H: Output Voltage
FX3U PLC Programming
+ Configure communication parameters in PLC (I use CH2 of FX3U)

+ Distributing Read and Write

+ Frequency Setting and Motor Control

+ Read Data Reponse

Detailed Instruction Video
As you can see, FX3U has built-in communication commands that can be easily configured and save programmer time. Here are the references
>>> Download VFD-M Manual PDF (Password Extract: plc247.com)
>>> Download FX3U Modbus Communication Manual PDF
>>> Download GX-Works2 for FX3U Programming
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