CADe-SIMU is an industrial circuit drawing and simulation software
PC-SIMU software also helps us simulate many devices such as Motor, STEP, Conveyor, Elevator, PLC, Arduino on PC.

The main features of the software CADe SIMU:
- The software provides convenient functions when drawing industrial circuit diagrams
- Full support for industrial equipment such as: CB, Relay, MCCB, Wire, Contactor, Aptomat …
- The software is very useful for students who are studying or just graduated. Suitable for industrial circuit simulation without the opportunity to buy real equipment.
- Lightweight software that can be run directly without installation.
- The software provides industrial control diagrams quite easily. Help the engineer to draw the circuit quickly and simulate at the same time.

Software Installation Guide Video
Software Download Link
1. Download via GoogleDrive 
>>> Download CADe SIMU V4 Software
>>> Download PC SIMU V3 Software
2. Download via MediaFire 
>>> Download_CADe_SIMU-V4_Software
>>> Download_PC_SIMU-V3_Software
Password Extract:
Please comment and share the article with the community if you find it helpful.
Thanks and Best Regards!
pcsimu is in other lengauge how to change i want eng version
only this version sir
thank u very muctch
file was damage when i try to open
need using winrar v5.5 or higher
the Password Extract: is incorrect
Using winrar V5.5 or higher
thanks sir
كلمة السر لو سمحت
english please sir
hi sir !
i cant’t find the password, please can you send it to me !
i want extract password
password extract:
I’m glad to see CADe SIMU V4
i downloaded the software but there is a password inside the software
what is the inside password ??
hello good job but can i ask you the passkey to activate pcsimu ?
The key is in the software after you extract it
Hi. How can I change the language on pc simu v3
can’t sir
Бизнес Кар – Автомобильный портал Группы компаний
please comment via english
thank you very much
thanks sir