TK4S Series is Autonics temperature controller, with low price and good quality it is used in many factories and machines to control as well as collect temperature.
Today will guide you to use PC in combination with Modbus Poll software to control and read temperature from TK4S. The software also helps us save data as Excel files for easy temperature collection.
TK4S & PC “Wiring Diagram”
The Modbus-RTU standard supports connection of up to 32 slaves.

TK4S Communication Setting
To configure the communication parameters of TK4S we do the following:
TK4S >>> Mode >>> PAr.4 (Parameters Group.4):
- AdrS = 1 (Slave Adress)
- bPS = 9.6 (Baudrate)
- Prty = EvEn (Paritycheck)
- StP = 1 (Stopbit)
- rSy.t = 20 (Respensetime)
Register Address for Control

>>> Address = 0000 (hexa) / Func = 06
Register Address for Monitoring

>>> Address = 3E8 (hexa) / Func = 04
“Modbus Poll” Programming
+ TK4S.1 Temperature Setting

+ TK4S.2 Temperature Setting

+ TK4S.1 Temperature Monitoring

+ TK4S.2 Temperature Monitoring

Video Tutorial
Recommended software and documentation:
- Modbus Poll Software Download
- Autonics TK4S Communication Manual PDF (Password Extract:
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