In the previous article, I showed you how to connect the LS iG5A inverter to Mitsubishi PLC and Weintek HMI using Modbus-RTU communication.
Today I would like to continue to guide you to use Omron PLC (CP1H combined with CP1W-CIF11 or CP1W-CIF12) to control the inverter LS iG5A
Connection diagram Modbus-RTU CP1H & iG5A VFD
LS iG5A Modbus Communication Configuration
Table of communication parameters iG5A
You install as follows:
- Drv = 3
- Frq = 7
- I59 = 0
- I60 = 1
- I61 = 3
- I62 = 0
- I65 = 2
Modbus RTU Address Table
Note: PLC Register Address = “Address – 1”
We use the following key parameters:
Controllable Register:
+ Frequency Reference: 0005 – 1 = 4 (hex)
+ Run Command: 0006 – 1 = 5 (hex)
- Set 5 (hex) = 2 > Forward run
- Set 5 (hex) = 4 > Reverse run
- Set 5 (hex) = 0 > Stop
Data Reponse Register:
+ Output Current: 0009 – 1 = 8 (hex)
+ Output Frequency: 000A – 1 = 9 (hex)
+ Output Voltage: 000B -1 = A (hex)
CP1H Communication Configuration
I uses Port.2 of CP1H, so the configuration is as follows (Port.1 is similar)
CP1H PLC Programming
+ Write/Read Control
+ Frequency Write
+ Motor Control Run
+ Read Data Selection
+ Read Data Command
+ Read Data Reponse
Detailed Connection Instruction Video
Documents related to the project
+ LS iG5A VFD Manual PDF Download (Password:
Thanks and Regards!
Thank you for the video and tutorial. But I’m having problem with my CP1W-CIF 11. It is blinking slowly like every 4 second and so the A640. I did try the same as your ladder. Any suggestion will help! Thank you
Communication Correcly ?