Hello everyone, today plc247.com would like to share with you the Mitsubishi GX-Works3 software
GX-Works3 software is programmable software for Mitsubishi series R CPUs, FX5 CPUs, Q CPUs, L CPUs, FX CPUs, NC CPUs.
GX-Works3 is upgraded from GX-Works2 and is used to program some of Mitsubishi’s new PLC series such as FX5U, it has a Debug error checking tool, high security, supports communication configuration and control. control pulse generator quickly.
If you need to program for Mitsubishi FX3x or below PLC, you do not need to install this software, just use GX-Works2 or GX-Developer. This software is not intended to be programmed for FX3x or below
Instructions for installing GX-Works3 software with images
+ Step 1: Download the software and extract it with the password plc247.com

+ Step 2: Proceed to run the autorun file

+ Step 3: Select GX-Works3

+ Step 4: Click Next to continue the installation process

+ Step 5: Open the Key_Install file and proceed to enter the Key according to the image below

+ Step 6: Select the software you want to install. In addition to GX-Works3, this software disc includes other software such as:
GX Work 2 Version 1.560J
GX Developer V8.91
PX Developer
CPU Module Logging Configuration Tool
GX Logviewer

+ Step 7: Select Destination Location

+ Step 8: Click Next to begin the software installation process

+ Step 9: Because the software is quite heavy, you should wait for a few dozen minutes

+ Step 10: The installer will ask us to install Drivers for your USB Cable, choose Install

+ Step 11: Choose to create a shortcut for GX-Works3

+ Step 12: We have successfully installed GX-Works3 software

Video on how to install GX-Works3 software
Link Download GX-Works3 Software (3GB)
>>> Download GX-Works3 V1.308Q with GoogleDrive
Password Extract: plc247.com
Please like and share the article. If you need some automation software, please comment below the article, I will answer you as quickly as possible.
Thanks and best regards!
Hello admin, I tried to update the software from 1.038Q to 1.063r version, when i try to update i was interupted with an msg “The Currently installed version of GX Works3 can not be updated. Please install GX Works3 again after uninstalling the currently installed version.” Please help me solving this issue, Thanks in advance
Please install version 1.038Q directly
when installing gx work 2 or 3 tells me that my device has insufficient memory to open the application already reinstall and install the program and I still can’t use the app you could help me
does it work with windows 7?
Windows7 available
Please execute registration of profile from attached dvd “mitsubishi electric fa library” after completing installation to use ethernet supported module. i connected the ethernet but tried uploading this message came. what should i do?
sent to me image err
Sir, 1.07 version is a available with you??
OK i will check
Ok thankyou
Did you solve this problem? I am having the same error. Please let me know. I made a mistake and commented on another comment, sorry
hello sir, what happen for you ?
Hi Sir, 1.07 version is available??
i will check this, thanks
does it work with windows 11?
The link file for download this software is unavailable.
i check link still ok
merhaba, fx5u-32m cpu programlamak için bu yazılımı kullanamıyorum ama aynı yazılım ile diğer cpu larda yeni proje oluşturabiliyorum, fx5u seçince hata alıyorum. bu konu da yardımcı olabilir misiniz ?
FX5U Can’t Unlock sir
Is there software to create for the FX5U- 32M?
yes sir
sir i need mitsubishi plc software ver 1.070Y can you help me. thanks
searh on my website
sir, i have successfully installed. But seems this version cannot be updated.
yes sir
Google drive not allowing download – too many users have downloaded error.
Need waiting 24h sir
Hi Admin, I tried to update the GX Works 3 Version. From 1.03Q to 1.07e the Latest Version. I download the software from the official website of Mitsubishi. The update was not successful, there’s an error saying that version cannot be updated.
I will soon download a new version that you can install easily
Hi! Does this version include GT SoftGOT2000 software?
Need GT-Works3
Hi, i have a previous download of gx works 2 version 1.610L and the install of gx works 3 also installs gx works 2 by default and automatically replaces the original version of gx works 2 with an older version of gxworks2 Version 1.5605. Ive uninstalled the old version of gxworks 2 and reinstalled just the gx works2 new version but now gxworks 3 fails. Does the newer version of gxworks 3 also contain a newer version of gx works 2?
Sorry, I don’t know
Please upload latest version
On my website have new version
they are asking me for product id
how do I launch the GS2107-WTBD operator panel with the schneider modicon 221 controller? Tell me please
i dont have plc for test sir
None of your Drive links work!
“Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.
Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can’t access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.” is the error message every time.
Enter Google Chrome and you can download it