Schneider Altivar 312 inverter family developed with powerful features with frequency range from 0 to 500Hz, power 0.18 to 15Kw with many functions such as: Motor thermal protection function, auto-start function, auto-start function load speed, reversing function, braking function, remote control connection function, etc.
Today will guide you to use HMI Delta DOP-107EV to control Schneider ATV312 Inverter remotely by Modbus-RTU Communication.

DOP-107EV & Schneider ATV312 “Wiring Diagram”
Both devices have a built-in RS485 port, we connect them together according to the diagram below

Schneider ATV312 Modbus Parameters Setting
To be able to control the Schneider ATV312 inverter through Modbus RTU, we need to set the communication parameters for the inverter as follows
- “CON” Menu
+ Add: 1 (Slave Address= 1)
+ tbr: 9.6 (Baudrate = 9600bps)
+ tF0: 8E1
+ tt0: 3.0 (Comm. timer check Error)
- “CtL” Menu
+ LAC: L3
+ Fr1: Mdb (Modbus)
+ Fr2: Mbd
+ Cd1: Mbd
+Cd2: Mbd
Schneider ATV312 Modbus Registers Address
+ Registers for Control

+ Registers for Monitoring

>>> Motor Control Address = 8501 (dec) = 2135 (hex)
- Set Word 2135 (hex) = 128 : VFD Fault Reset
= 6 : VFD System Start
= 15 : Forward Run
= 2063 : Reverse Run
= 4111 : Stop
>>> Set Frequency Address = 8502 (dec) = 2136 (hex)
+ Data Monitoring Address = 3201 (dec) = C81 (hex)
+ Output Frequency Address = 3202 (dec) = C82 (hex)
+ Output Current Address = 3204 (dec) = C84 (hex)
Delta HMI Modbus-RTU Configuration
In order for the DOP-107EV to be able to connect to control and monitor Schneider ATV312 by Modbus-RTU, in addition to the basic parameters of the inverter installed according to the motor (frequency, current, voltage…) we Need to set up additional communication parameters as follows

Delta HMI Modbus Programming
+ Control Panel

+ VFD Alarm Status

+ VFD Reset Command

+ VFD Ready Status

+ VFD Start System

+ Set Frequency Command

+ Forward Run

+ Reverse Run

+ Stop Run

+ Data Monitoring

Project Video Tutorial
+ Delta DOP-107EV Programming Software Download
+ Schneider ATV312 Inverter Manual PDF Download
Password Extract:
If in the process of using DOP-107EV to control Schneider ATV312 you have any difficulties, please comment below the article, will answer you if possible.
Thanks and Best Regards
great work thank you very much for your efforts
thanks sir
Hello, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, could you please make a video of communication between the delta HMI and the atv320 inverter on a 485 network?
all Schneider VFD same sir
In the Detail Section We Wrote Into CMD
Set Word 2135 (hex) = 128 : VFD Fault Reset
= 6 : VFD System Start
= 15 : Forward Run
= 2063 : Reverse Run
= 4111 : Stop
6,15,2063,4111 How did we find these values?
You need read VFD Manual PDF sir