Sensor Guides Visual Studio - PLC

Autonics TK4S & Visual Studio C# “Modbus RTU”

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Hello friends!
Temperature control and monitoring is an almost common application appearing in every factory as well as home. In the previous article, guided you to use many types of PLC/HMI to control Autonics TK4S Controller.

Today will use Visual Studio C# to monitor and control Autonics TK4S, we can easily store data without spending much money. With 1 COM port we can control up to 32 different stations

Video Trail


Computer & Autonics TK4S “Wiring Diagram”

Autonics TK4S “Modbus RTU “Parameters Setting

In order for the Autonics Controller TK4S to communicate with Modbus RTU, we need to set the communication parameters as below:

TK4S >>> Mode >>> PAr.4 (Parameters Group.4)

+ AdrS = 1 (Slave Adress)

+ bPS = 9.6 (Baud Rate)

+ Prty = EvEn (Parity Check)

+ StP = 1 (Stop Bit)

+ rSy.t = 20 (Respense Time)

C# Program Code

If you don’t have time and need to program immediately, I will sell it to you for $20 USD via Paypal or USDT (Crypto).

Payment methods

+ Paypal
  • Payment via email address:
+ Crypto
  • USDT Wallet (TRC20): TBxu9tjKKZvoTkPNurYk8FYpQfENHNUnRM

You will receive the software via Email or any other method you want!

Please contact: for more details and software purchase.

Thanks and Best Regards!

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