Hello everyone, in previous posts plc247.com showed you how to use several different types of PLC to control Servo Detla ASDA-B2 by high-speed pulse generation method. Today I continue to write a tutorial for you to use PLC Keyence to control Delta B2 Servo.
The PLC model Keyence plc247.com uses is KV-5500 (the KV-5000, KV-3000 models are the same) and I will guide you to connect and control in the simplest and easiest way possible.

PLC Keyence & Delta B2 Servo “Wiring Diagram”
+ PLC Keyence KV-5500, KV-5000, KV-3000 have built-in 2 high-speed pulse generator axes, in this project plc247.com uses X-Axis

Delta ASDA-B2 Servo Motor Configuration
We need to set the following parameters so that the Servo can receive the “high-speed pulse” control signal generated from the PLC

PLC Keyence “Pulse Train Output” Setting
plc247.com recommends you to configure as below to implement Project easily

Note: Select Position No.1 as “ABS-Absolute” control mode
PLC Keyence “Servo Control” Example
+ I/O Setup & Servo “On/Off” Control

+ Origin Return Command

+ Axis Jog Process

+ Axis Multi-Position Control

Project Video Tutorial
+ PLC Keyence Programming Software Download
+ Servo Delta ASDA-B2 Manual PDF Download
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If in the process of using PLC Keyence to control Servo Delta B2, you need any support, please comment below the article, plc247.com will reply to you as soon as I read your comments.
Thanks and Best Regards!