Hello everybody!
PLC Keyence is one of the extremely intelligent PLC lines of Japan, it is continuously improved in both quality and durability. More and more machines and equipment use PLC Keyence.
Temperature control in the factory is a necessity for most companies, and today plc247.com would like to guide you to use the Keyence KV5500 PLC (in combination with KV-L21V) to communicate Modbus RTU with the control Temperature Controller E5CC
Wiring Diagram
Please use end resistor (about 120Ω) if the distance from PLC to E5CC is far

Configuration Omron E5CC & Keyence KV-L21V
E5CC Communication Configuration
+ CN-E = 6
+ U-No (Unit No) = 1 (E5CC-1) or 2 (E5CC-2)
+ bPS (baud rate) = 9600
+ Prty (Parity Check) = EVEN
+ Stop bit = 1
KV-L21V Communication Configuration

PLC Keyence Programming
+ Distributing Read-Write Communication

+ Temperatures Write Command

+ Temperatures Read Command

Installation Video and Tutorial
Required documents and software
Password Extract: plc247.com
If you have any difficulty in connecting PLC Keyence to Omron E5CC, please comment below the article.
Thanks and Best Regards
Hello Sir, how for communication setup for Keyence Nano series using serial extension slot KV-N11L, addressing for data storage, modbus com with E5CC temp controller. thanks,
I think same this KV L21V
Hello Sir, I have got the number of addressing. thank you.
But now, how to write the command for enable and disable of output ($2E06) is not successful yet. Need your advice. thanks.
See video tutorial sir
Sir, password for extract not plc247.com, please help
Password now fixed, thanks sir
Hi Sir, cannot write the SV to the E5CC, need your help. Thanks
Setting E5CC Parameters correcly ?
Yes, CN-t = 6, U-NG = 1 & 2, bPS = 9.6, PRty = EVEN, SdWt = 1
Need more “CMWt” = ON