Hello friends!
Delta Electronics’ automation equipment is being used more and more popularly in the market. The price is cheap but the quality is quite good, the function is not inferior to any other brand that has made Delta’s success.
plc247.com will guide you to use Delta PLC (DVP-14SS211T) to control Delta ASDA-B2 Servo through high-speed pulse generation.

PLC Delta & ASDA-B2 Servo “Connection Diagram”
+ Note: Only PLC Output Transistor (T) supports high speed pulse output to control Servo, PLC Output Relay (R) does not support.

Delta ASDA-B2 Servo Parameters Setting
To be able to control the ASDA-B2 Servo by the “Possition Control” method, we need to set the following parameters:

PLC Programming
+ Origin Recover & Jog Control

+ Axis Position Control

Project Video Tutorial
+ Download PLC Delta Programming Software
+ Delta ASDA-B2 Servo Manual PDF Download
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Best Regards!
buenas necesito programar plc dvp-28sv con un asda b2 y una pantalla dop-bo5s100 para programarlo con pulso y a su vez que pueda registrarse con una fotocelda para conservar las medida si me pueden enviar el diagrama gracias
english please
Spectacular work!!! Thank you very much for your contributions facilitating learning.
thanks sir
Thank you for your teaching, I need torque based tutorial
i will make tutorial when posible sir