Hello everyone, continuing to use HMI Mitsubishi GT2505-VTBD to control various devices through Modbus RTU communication protocol, today plc247.com continues to use it to control Fuji Frenic inverters.
Fuji Frenic inverter model used is Fuji Frenic Mini (Fuji Eco series, Multi analog control). Models that have been produced for a long time have an RS485 card, while current models have a built-in RS485 port.
HMI Mitsubishi & Fuji Frenic “Wiring Diagram”
If the communication distance between the HMI and the inverter is far (>50m), it is necessary to use an additional 120Ω terminal resistor to make the connection stable.
Fuji Frenic “Modbus RTU” Parameters Setting
In order for HMI GT2505-VTBD to control and monitor the Fuji Frenic inverter, in addition to the basic parameters of the inverter (frequency, current, voltage…) we need to install additional communication parameters as follows:
+ H30 = 3 (VFD Control via RS485 Port)
+ Y01 = 1 (Slave Address)
+ Y02 = 0
+ Y03 = 2
+ Y04 = 2 (9600bps)
+ Y05 = 0 (Data: 8bit)
+ Y06 = 1 (Parity Check: Even)
+ Y07 = 1 (Stop Bit: 1)
+ Y10 = 0 (Modbus-RTU Selection)
+ Y99 = 0
Registers Address Mapping
- Functions Mapping
- Registers for Control Address
- Register for Monitoring Address
Note: Mitsubishi GOT2000 Holding Registers Address =
“VFD Address (Dec) + 400001“
+ Frequency reference = S(07H) + 05 = 705 (hexa) = 1797 (dec)
>>> Frequency Setting Address = 1797 + 400001 = 401798 (dec)
+ Operation command = S(07H) + 06 = 706 (hexa) = 1798 (dec)
>>> Motor Control Address = 1798 + 400001 = 401799 (dec)
- Set Word “401799” = 1 >>> Forward Run
= 2 >>> Reverse Run
= 0 >>> Stop Run
+ Output frequency = M(08H) + 09 = 809 (hexa) = 2057 (dec)
>>> Frequency Output Address = 2057 + 400001 = 402058 (dec)
+ Output current = M(08H) + 11 = 811 (hexa) = 2059 (dec)
>>> Current Output Address = 2059 + 400001 = 402060 (dec)
+ Output voltage = M(08H) + 12 = 812 (hexa) = 2060 (dec)
>>> Current Output Address = 2060 + 400001 = 402061 (dec)
Mitsubishi GT2505-VTBD Modbus Configuration
How have you set up the communication parameters for the Fuji Frenic inverter, the settings for the Mitsubishi HMI are exactly the same, the HMI and the inverter can communicate.
HMI Programming
+ Interface Design
+ Frequency Setting Command
+ Forward Run Command
+ Reverse Run Command
+ VFD Stop Command
+ Read Output Frequency
+ Read Output Current
+ Read Output Voltage
Project Video Tutorial
Related Software and Documents
>>> Download HMI Mitsubishi Programming Software
>>> Fuji Frenic Inverter Manual PDF Download
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Please comment below the article if you need help in using Mitsubishi HMI to control Fuji Frenic inverter with Modbus RTU, plc247.com will reply you as soon as I read the comments.
Thanks and Best Regards!