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LabView “Modbus RTU” Autonics TK4S Tutorial

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Hello everyone!
In the previous post, showed you how to use MicroLogix 1100 PLC to connect and control Omron E5CC by Modbus-RTU RS485 Communication.

Today will continue to guide you to connect another temperature controller, Autonics T4KS. MicroLogix 1100 PLC has a built-in RS232/485 port (you can connect it directly to the MiniDin port or use an extension cable 1763-NC01)

Computer & Autonics TK4S “Wiring Diagram”

Autonics TK4S Modbus Parameters Setting

In order for the Autonics Controller TK4S to communicate with Modbus RTU, we need to set the communication parameters as below:

TK4S >>> Mode >>> PAr.4 (Parameters Group.4)

+ AdrS = 1 (Slave Adress)

+ bPS = 9.6 (Baud Rate)

+ Prty = EvEn (Parity Check)

+ StP = 1 (Stop Bit)

+ rSy.t = 20 (Respense Time)

Register Control Address

>>> Temperature Reference Address = 0000 / Function = 06

Register Monitoring Address

>>> Temperature Present Address = 03E8 (hex) = 1000 (dec) / Funtion = 04

Labview Modbus Programming

+ Front Panel & Block Diagram

+ Detail Block Diagram

Project Video Tutorial


Recommended documentation:

>>> Download Autonics TK4S Manual PDF

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