Factory IO is a very intuitive and modern 3D system simulation software. Support professional process simulation with many PLC brands, diverse libraries close to reality. There are many applications that have simulated quite closely with this software before practical application. Bringing high efficiency, satisfying customer experience.
Factory IO is pre-designed with 20 models based on industrial applications. The systems and objects in Factory IO are often provided in the Factory IO library to design lines and systems according to your own needs. These libraries can be seen when opening the Factory IO software in the right corner, including libraries such as heavy conveyors, light conveyors, sensors… You select the device group and drag and drop to install it. Easy model matching.
The version plc247.com shares with you is the full-featured version and can be used forever.

Installation Instructions
+ Step 1: Download and extract the software with password “plc247.com”

+ Step 2: Run the file “factoryio-installer” to install the software

+ Step 3: License Agreement accept

+ Step 4: Destionation Location Select

+ Step 5: Select “Next” to start the installation process

+ Step 6: Wait for the installation to take place in a few minutes

+ Step 7: Factory IO V2.5.2 software installation completed

+ Step 8: Copy file “Factory IO 2.5.2 Patch File”

+ Step 9: Open “Factory IO” installation folder

+ Step 10: Paste and Run patch file

+ Step 11: Enjoy

Software Download Link
Download via GoogleDrive 
>>> Download Factory IO 2.5.2 Full Software
Password Extract: plc247.com
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Thanks and Best Regards!
Hello, for 3 days it is not possible to access the Factory file (Sorry, you can’t view or download this file at this time.)
Thank you very much for sharing so much knowledge. Greetings from Spain.
contact me via email sir
Good night, i need help, when pass the archive with the pacth and run factory, it doesn’t run, ir say’s the linced si expired
password: plc247.com
I was wrong! I did a mistake. Didn’t run patch file in destination file….Now it is working absolutely perfect. I apologise for misunderstood. Thank you!
ok thanks sir
it ask me for Activat Licenes
Please read the instructions
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Sorry, now it worked. Is this a full time version?
Yes sir
Went to download, Broken again
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hola buenos dias me podria ayudar. no logra similar en el fatory nose si podria pasar un tutorial
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favor não postar meu comentário.
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se puede actualizar a la versión 2.5.5? o mejor dejarlo en la versión de descarga? (2.5.2)
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