Hello everyone, today plc247.com continue to guide you to use the MR-J4_A position control CP1H. In the previous article I instructed you “ORG Search”
- Previous Post: “ORG Search” Click here to view
- Next Post: “Position Control” Click here to view
Today I will guide you to do “JOG” program to detect Servo position to work, CP1H and most Omron PLCs using CX-Programmer do not support Jog instruction.
Connection diagram
plc247.com will use 2 more hard buttons to make Jog (+) and Jog (-) buttons and I enter 003, 004 compared to the diagram in “ORG Search”

PLS2 programming command

The parameters in the program to use:
+ Port: #0000
+ M: #0101 (Pulse + Direction & Absolute pulses)
+ S > S+5: D100 > D105
+ F > F+1: D106 > D107
Jog Process

Pulses Output

Video Jog Process
Today’s article is the end, each article will present a function for you to understand. In the following post, plc247.com will guide you to control the Servo position
Thanks and best regards!