FX3U / FX3G is one of the most popular and most popular PLCs of Mitsubishi PLC as well as all PLCs worldwide.
Weintek MT8071iE HMI is also one of the most popular HMI on the market, extremely cheap price, high quality, easy connection to all PLCs in the world is what it does.
Today plc247.com will guide you to connect HMI MT8071iE to FX3U / FX3G PLC directly via CPU port.
Wiring Diagram

Communication configuration on MT8071iE (EasyBuilder Pro Software)

Video instructions for connecting FX3G & MT8071iE in detail
Software Used
- EasyBuilderPro for MT8071iE HMI >>> Download Here
- GX-Works2 for FX3U/FX3G >>> Download Here
If you have any questions or need assistance, please comment below the article, plc247.com will help you.
Best Regards!
i need your help . i want a ask you something . how to connection FX3G 232BD to HMI Weintek MT8121XE ? .
i will make tutorial when possible