With the current trend of factory intelligence, machine intelligence, automatic temperature control and storage is a necessity for any company. The Omron E5CC thermostat is an extremely popular controller in the world, especially it also supports the Modbus RTU RS485 standard for transmission distances up to 1200m.
Today I will guide you to use FX3U (combined with FX3U-485ADP-MB Module) to control and read temperature from Omron E5CC ( 1 module up to 32 stations )
Connection Diagram FX3U-485ADP-MB & E5CC
If the distance between the E5CCs is far away, we should use 1 last resistor = 120 Ohm to prevent interference, if it is near, it is not necessary.

Communication Configuration Omron E5CC
- CN-E = 6
- U-No (Unit No) = 1 (E5CC-1) or 2 (E5CC-2)
- bPS (baud rate) = 9600
- Prty (Parity Check) = EVEN
- Stop bit = 1
PLC Programming
+ Channel2 Modbus Communication Configuration

+ Sequential Write/Read Configuration

+ Write SV (Setting Value) Command

+ Write PV (Present Value) Command

Installation and Connection Instruction Video
So plc247.com has guided you to connect and control Omron’s E5CC with the FX3U PLC, this is a practical application, I hope it will help those who need it.
- FX3U Modbus Manual PDF Download (Password Extract: plc247.com)
- Omron E5CC Manual PDF Download
Password Extract: plc247.com
Thanks and Best Regards!