Ladder Master V1.75 is software used to program Vigor PLC. Applicable PLC lines: Vigor VB, VH, M series. Vigor is a company from Taiwan. Vigor’s PLC appears mainly on machines imported from China and Taiwan.
Ladder Master version V1.78.1 is the latest version as of the time I wrote this article. Vigor Ladder Master V1.78 PLC programming software can be used on Windows in English or Chinese. Full functions. Can work in Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Windows 7/8, Windows 10/11 environment. Monitor function can be used to do data monitoring. Can select group mode, use screen function effectively and more.

Installation Instructions
+ Step 1: Download and extract the software with password “”

+ Step 2: Run the setup.exe file to start the installation

+ Step 3: Click on the computer icon to continue installation

+ Step 4: Enjoy
Software Download Link
1. Download via GoogleDrive 
>>> Download Vigor PLC Programing Software
Password Extract:
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I cannot open your download on googledrive pls contract me
contact me via email sir