Ladder Master S V1.1.8 is software used to program Vigor PLC. Applicable PLC lines: Vigor VS, VBS series. Vigor is a company from Taiwan. Vigor’s PLC appears mainly on machines imported from China and Taiwan.
Vigor Ladder Master V1.1.8 PLC programming software can be used on Windows in English or Chinese. Full functions. Can work in Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Windows 7/8, Windows 10/11 environment. Monitor function can be used to do data monitoring. Can select group mode, use screen function effectively and more.

Installation Instructions
+ Step 1: Download and extract the software with password “”

+ Step 2: Run the setup.exe file to start the installation


Software Download Link
1. Download via GoogleDrive 
>>> Download Vigor PLC Programing Software
Password Extract:
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