Hello everyone! In many previous posts, plc247.com has guided you to use different HMI/PLC to control Delta VFD-M inverter using Modbus-RTU RS485 communication standard. Today I would like to continue to guide you to use a PC to control the inverter directly.
To be able to do this we need the software “Modbus Poll” and “USB to RS485 Cable”
Wiring Diagram
The RS485 communication port of the VFD-M is an RJ-11 port (you can get a desk phone jack)

DELTA VFD-M Communication Setting
In addition to the basic parameters set by the motor (Frequency, Current, Voltage). We set the communication parameters as follows:
- Pr00 = 03 (Frequency control via RS485)
- Pr01 = 04 (Motor Control via RS485)
- Pr88 = 01 (Slave No.1)
- Pr89 = 01 (9600bps)
- Pr92 = 04 (8, 1, Even)
- Pr 157 = 01 (Modbus-RTU Selection)
Register for Control

>>> Motor Control Address = 2000 (Hex)
- Run Forward = 0000.0000.0001.0010 (Bin) = 18 (dec)
- Run Reverse = 0000.0000.0010.0010 (Bin) = 34 (dec)
- Stop Run = 0000.0000.0000.0001 = 1
>>> Set Frequency Address = 2001 (Hex)
Register for Monitoring

In the dark project read 4 important parameters including:
+ 2103 (Hex): Output Frequency
+ 2104 (Hex): Output Current
+ 2105 (Hex): DC-BUS Voltage
+ 2106 (Hex): Output Voltage
“Modbus Poll” Software Programming
+ Motor Control Command

+ Frequency Setting

+ Data Monitoring

Detailed Instruction Video
Software & Document
>>> Download VFD-M Manual PDF (Password Extract: plc247.com)
>>> Download Modbus Poll Software
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