PLC Siemens S7-1200, ET200 and Siemens S7-1500 is a powerful PLC series from Siemens, S7-1200 / S7-1500 / ET200 is suitable for large and medium-sized applications with high requirements for special functions such as industrial network communication, technology functions, and other functions. Safety features require high reliability.
In some cases the Siemens S7-1200 / S7-1500 / ET200 PLC is password locked so we need to read the password to work with it.
That’s why today provides software to read Password PLC S7-1200 & S7-1500, ET200 through Micro Memory Card (MMC).
Software Features
+ You just need to send Project from MMC memory card of Siemens S7-1200 / S7-1500 / ET200 I will delete the password of the program and send it back to you.
+ Just pay after I have removed the program password.
+ Note: Function Blocks locked with a password will not be unlocked, but Function Blocks not locked with a password will be viewed normally. 100% Unlockable Program

Unlock Password PLC Siemens S7-1200

Unlock Password PLC Siemens S7-1500

Software Price
+ Unlock Siemens S7-1200 1Time: 100$ (USD)
+ Unlock Siemens ET200 1Time: 100$ (USD)
+ Unlock Siemens S7-1500 1Time: 150$ (USD)
Payment methods
+ Paypal (Payment via Friend Mode)
- Payment via Paypal email:
+ Crypto
- USDT Wallet (TRON-TRC20): TBxu9tjKKZvoTkPNurYk8FYpQfENHNUnRM
You will receive the software via Email or any other method you want!
Please contact: for more details and software purchase.
Thanks and Best Regards!
Wow That’s amazing.
thanks sir
hey do i just need to copy the project in the mmc send it to you. need help with my omron project it unlocked but the function block are stil locked
I can Unlock this, now i contact to you via email sir
Question 1
Are you cracking your online password?
Or are you cracking the password for the project block?
Question 2
For 1200 how do I send a program when I don’t have an SD card?
You need to have the MMC card and send me the Project to unlock it
nsõ schri link p download
contact me via email sir
Hello how are you?
I would like to know if it is possible to obtain the software to unlock passwords for the Siemens S7 1200 and S7 1500 line.
contact me via email sir
Dear Sir/Madam,
We need password cracking software. Already mailed you. Pls Reply.
please contact me via email
Hi i send u an email plz reply me
my email:
Bom dia.
Mandei um e-mail no dia 18/12/24 e não obtive respostas.
Preciso desbloquear uma senha da linha 1500 e 1200.
please read manual pdf
Olá, enviei um e-mail…por favor me responda.
Estamos com uma certa urgência em nosso equipamento.
please comment via english sir
Hi are you able to unlock POU\program files on the Omron NX1P2 plc’s? Thanks
I can unlock it easily
I need password cracking software plz
contact me via email sir
I sent an email on 24/02/25 at 17:24,
reply me thanks
i reply you now, thanks
I have provided you with everything, I am waiting for your response
recontact me via email sir
I’m waiting for your reply
ok sir
the answer was this:
sorry, im busy this my project sir
so you offer a service that you can’t manage?
Obviously I replied to the email, but no one replies
my email:
can you unpass block password for s7 1200
contact me via email