PLC OMRON CP1H and Mitsubishi inverter FR-E700 Series are both common automation devices in factory factories.
With the problem of remote inverter control or controlling multiple inverters with 1 PLC, we can use Modbus-RTU RS485 (supports up to 32 stations and distances up to 1200m)
Today I will guide you to use PLC CP1H (CP1L, CP1E) to control Mitsubishi FR-E720 inverter by CP1W-CIF11 Module
Connection diagram PLC OMRON CP1H & VFD Mitsubishi FR-E720

VFD settings FR-E720
Below are the required parameters of the Mitsubishi FR-E720 Inverter

For this project, please install according to the parameters below
- Pr117 : “1” (Slave.1)
- Pr118 : “9600” (Baud rate)
- Pr119 : “0” (8bit/Stop bit.1)
- Pr120 : “2” (Even bit)
- Pr121 : “9999”
- Pr122 : “9999”
- Pr123 : “9999”
- Pr124 : “1”
- Pr340 : “1”
- Pr549 : “1”
- Pr79 : “6” ( External Mode > Last setting )
Address where holding register data write will be started Starting address = Starting register address (decimal)-40001
For example, setting of the starting address 0001 reads the data of the holding register 40002
Modbus Registers Address

Real Time Monitor

PLC Configuration Omron CP1H

PLC Programming
Transmission Distribution

Control Run

Frequency Write

Forward/Reverse/Stop Write

Read Data Selection

Read Frequency/Current/Voltage Data Command

Read Frequency/Current/Voltage Output

Video Tutorial for Connecting CP1H & FR-E720 via Modbus-RTU
If you have any difficulties in connecting CP1H & FR-E720 via Modbus-RTU RS485 standard, please comment below the article, will reply you as soon as I read it.
Thanks and Best Regards!
Dear sir
I used CP1L-M60DR-D with FR-E720 but can’t running.
contatc me via email
Dear sir
I used CP2E-N30DR-A with FR-E720 but can’t running.
CP2E same CP1E sir
Saludos caballero
excelente explicacion
Tengo un cj2m-cpu 32 y 7 mitsubshi dr-d40, copie su programa y lo unico que no me funciona es A640.00 PUES LA CPU DE ESTE MODELO NO CUENTA CON ESTE BIT. Sin embargo tengo en la misma instalacion un cm1l y funciona genial. si puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria.
sir please comment via english
Greetings, gentleman, excellent explanation. I have a cj2m-cpu 32 and 7 mitsubshi dr-d40, I copied your program and the only thing that does not work for me is A640.00 BECAUSE THE CPU OF THIS MODEL DOES NOT HAVE THIS BIT. However, I have a cm1l in the same installation and it works great. If you can help me I would appreciate it.
need read CJ2M manual sir
De acuerdo muchas gracias.
please comment via english
Okay, thank you very much.
thanks sir
contact me via email
Ok perfect and what is your email. I write mine to you.
my email:
hello sir how to show overload alarm on the program?