HMI DOP-B DELTA Series is one of the most commonly used HMIs on the market with its cheap price, good quality compared to the price.
Some technical features of the DOP-B series interface display (HMI):
- 65,536 colors TFT
- Resolution: 320 x 234/480 x 234/1027 x 600 pixels
- Support SD card
- Supports USB client for high speed upload and download
- Support USB host for connection direction with USB flash drive, printer, mouse
- Supports Ethernet
- Audio output support
- Communication: RS232 / RS422 / RS485

And today would like to share with you the instruction manual for connecting HMI DELTA DOP-B Series to all PLC manufacturers on the market. Based on it you can make a cable connecting HMI Delta and PLC different brands very simply
PDF Download Link
1. Download via GoogleDrive 
>>> Download DOP-B DELTA HMI Connection Manual
2. Download via MediaFire 
>>> Download_DOP-B_DELTA_HMI_Connection_Manual
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