In the previous article, shared with you the MR-Configurator software used for Mitsubishi MR-J2 / J2S Servo series.
Today continues to share with you the MR-Configurator2 1.41T + 1.55H software for the new Servo servos such as MR-J3 / MR-J4 / MR-JE / MR-JN
Instructions for installing the software with images
+ Step 1: Download and extract the software with password (download link at the bottom of the article)
+ Step 2: Go to the first MR-Configurator2-1.10L folder (requires installation of 1.41T before installation)
+ Step 3: Run the setup file to start the installation
+ Step 4: Proceed to enter Key when asked (get Key from Key_Setup file)
+ Step 5: Check the information, then select Next to begin installing MR-Configurator2 software
+ Step 6: Wait for the installation process to take a few minutes
+ Step 7: Select Finish when the installation of version 1.10L is complete
+ Step 8: Next, go to the MR-Configurator2-1.41T folder to proceed with the software upgrade
+ Step 9: Run the Setup file and install the same as the 1.10L installation steps
Software upgrade process completed
+ Step 10: We have the MR-Configurator2 Version 1.41T software
Software installation video
Link Download Software
>>> Download MR-Configurator2 Ver1.10L with GoogleDrive
+ Download MR-Configurator2 Ver1.41T Upgrade with GoogleDrive
+ Download MR-Configurator2 Ver1.55H Upgrade with GoogleDrive
Password Extract:
Please like and share if you find it helpful. If the download link is broken or have problems, please comment below the article
Thanks and best regards!