Mitsubishi Software PLC Software

[Download] GX Works 2 V1.620W Full (New Version)

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Hello Friends!
Programmable software for Mitsubishi PLCs FX0S, FX0, FX1, FX1S, FX1N, FX1NC, FX2N, FX2NC, FX3S, FX3G, FXGC, FX3U, FX3UC series, Q cpu series (Q mode, A mode), L cpu, QS cpu, QnA cpu, A cpu, S cpu, CNC…

GX Work 2 is software upgraded and replaced by Mitsubishi for GX Developer with a more intuitive interface, smoother operation and support for other programming languages ​​such as FBD (Function Block Diagram), SFC (Sequential Function Chart).

System Requirements

+ CPU: Intel Core 2Duo 2GHz or Higher

+ DISK Free: 3GB Minimum

+ Monitor: 1024×768 pixels or higher

+ RAM: 2GB Minimum

Supported Operating Systems

+ Windows 10/11 (Pro, Home, Enterprise, Education)

+ Windows 8/8.1 (Pro, Enterprise)

+ Windows 7 (Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate)

+ Windows XP


  • If .NET Framework 2.0 and Windows Installer 3.0 are not installed to the personal
    computer to which GX Works2 is to be installed, approximately 350MB of memory
    is required in the system drive to install them.
  • For Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, and Windows® 10, if .NET Framework 3.5
    (including .NET 2.0 and 3.0) is invalid on the personal computer to which GX
    Works2 is to be installed, it needs to be valid.
  • When the following functions are used, this product may not run properly.
  • Application start-up in Windows® compatibility mode.
  • Fast user switching
  • Remote desktop
  • Windows XP Mode
  • Windows Touch or Touch
  • Modern UI
  • Client Hyper-V
  • Virtual desktops
  • Tablet mode
  • In the following cases, the screen of this product may not work properly.
  • The size of the text and/or other items on the screen are changed to values
    other than default values (such as 96 DPI, 100%, and 9 pt).
  • The resolution of the screen is changed in operation.
  • The multi-display is set.
  • Use the product as a user having a privilege higher than ‘Standard user’ or
    ‘Administrator’ for Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, and
    Windows® 10.
  • For a personal computer with less than 1GB of memory, the startup speed of GX
    Works2 may be improved by increasing the memory to more than 1GB.

Software Download Link

1. Download via GoogleDrive
+ Download GX-Works 2 V1.620W Full Active

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