Hello everyone, continuing the Series using HMI Samkoon SK-070HS to control various devices via Modbus-RTU communication protocol, today plc247.com continues to guide you to control Delta MS300 inverters.
Like the Samkoon HMI, the Delta MS300 inverter has a built-in RS485 port to support Modbus-RTU communication easily.

Samkoon HMI & Delta MS300 “Wiring Diagram”
Diagram of communication connection between Samkoon HMI and Delta MS300 inverter.

Delta MS300 “Modbus RTU” Configuration
In addition to the basic parameters of the inverter installed according to the motor (frequency, voltage, current …) then we need to install the following parameters:
- P00.20 = 1 (Using Modbus Setting Frequency)
- P00.21 = 2 (Using Modbus Control Motor)
- P09.00 = 1 (Slave Address = 1)
- P09.01 = 9.6 (Baudrate = 9600bps)
- P09.02 = 3
- P09.03 = 1.0 (Overtime Com. = 1.0s)
- P09.04 = 14 ( Modbus-RTU 8/E/1 Selection)
Delta MS300 Modbus Registers Address

>>> Motor Control Address = 2000 (hex) = 8192 (dec)
- Set Word 8192 = 18 (dec): Forward Run
- Set Word 8192 = 34 (dec): Reverse Run
- Set Word 8192 = 1 (dec): Stop
>>> Setting Frequency Address = 2001 (hex) = 8193 (dec)
+ Output Frequency Address = 2103 (hex) = 8451 (dec)
+ Output Current Address = 2104 (hex) = 8452 (dec)
+ Output Volatge Address = 2106 (hex) = 8454 (dec)
Samkoon HMI Modbus Parameters Setting
We need to set the communication parameters of HMI Samkoon according to the communication parameters installed for Delta MS300

HMI Programming
+ Control Panel

+ Setting Frequency

+ Forward Run

+ Reverse Run

+ Stop

+ Frequency Monitoring

+ Current Monitoring

+ Voltage Monitoring

Video Tutorial
Related Software and Documents
+ HMI Samkoon Software Free Download
+ Delta MS300 Manual PDF Download
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If in the process of using Samkoon HMI to control Delta MS300 inverters through Modbus-RTU protocol, you need any support, please comment below the article, plc247.com will reply you as soon as possible.
Best Regards!
Is there a way for the Samkoon to communicate with say 4 MS300 units on the same port?
On other HMI solutions I can enter the device adress dynamicly in the register box, like 8#4×8192 to talk to device on adress 8, register 4×8192.
hello can u guide or show me tutorial samkoon model EA-043A modbus rtu ms300
same 100% sir
How do you work out the motor control addresses? eg Forward run = 18, Reverse run = 34. Is there a list of all conversions? Thanks
need download Delta MS300 Manual PDF