Drives Inverters Guides PLC Guides

Mitsubishi QJ71C24N “Modbus RTU” Delta MS300 Tutorial

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Created to replace the highly successful Delta VFD-M inverter, the Delta MS300 is designed to suit a wide range of applications, from light to medium loads, suitable for textile and processing industries. food, seafood, conveyor belts, cutting machines, extrusion machines, glue machines…especially woodworking machines.

Today will guide you to use Mitsubishi Q-Series PLC in combination with QJ71C24N Module to control Delta MS300 inverter through Modbus-RTU communication.

QJ71C24N & Delta MS300 “Connection Diagram”

Below is the RS485 communication connection diagram between Mitsubishi QJ71C24N and Delta MS300 inverter:

Delta MS300 Inverter “Modbus RTU” Configuration

To be able to control Delta MS300 with Modbus-RTU, we need to install the following communication parameters for the inverter:

+ P00.20: “1” (Using Modbus Setting Frequency)

+ P00.21: “2” (Using Modbus Control Motor)

+ P09.00: “1” (Slave Address = 1)

+ P09.01: “9.6” (Baudrate = 9600bps)

+ P09.02: “3”

+ P09.03: “1.0” (Overtime Com. = 1.0s)

+ P09.04: “14” ( Modbus-RTU 8/E/1 Selection)

Delta MS300 Registers Address

>>> Motor Control Address = 2000 (hex)

  • Set Word 2000 = 18 (dec): Forward Run
  • Set Word 2000 = 34 (dec): Reverse Run
  • Set Word 2000 = 1 (dec): Motor Stop

>>> Setting Frequency Address = 2001 (hex)

+ Output Frequency Address = 2103 (hex)
+ Output Current Address = 2104 (hex)
+ DC-BUS Voltage Address = 2105 (hex)
+ Output Voltage Address = 2106 (hex)

Mitsubishi QJ71C24N “Modbus RTU” Configuration

Here are the steps to set up the communication parameters for the QJ71C24N Module in the easiest way possible:

+ Step 1: Create New Project

+ Step 2: I/O Assignment

+ Step 3: RS485 Port. (CH2) Configuration

+ Step 4: Sent parameters to QJ71C24N module

+ Step 5: “ECHOBACK” Disable

  • Echoback refers to the function in which data transmitted by RS-485 (2-wire) is returned about the local station’s RDA and RDB.
  • Echoback refers to the function in which data transmitted by RS-485 (2 wires) is returned about the local station’s RDA and RDB.
  • Set G450 = 1 (Disable Echoback) / = 0 (Enable Echoback)
QJ71C24N & Delta MS300 Protocol Configuration

+ Select “Serial Communication Module…”

+ Add, Write/Read parameters. recommends that you configure according to the parameters below:

+ Protocol No.1: “Func – 06 / Write Single Registers”

  • Slave Address = “D100”
  • Register Adress = “D101”
  • Register Value = “D110”
  • “Comm. Error” = “D300”

+ Protocol No.2: “Func – 03 / Read Holding Registers”

  • Slave Address = “D200”
  • Starting Address = “D201”
  • Quantity of Registers = “D202”
  • Registers Value Response = “D210” (From D210…D335 depending on the number of Registers (D202) to read)
  • “Comm. Error” = “D300”

Note: Need to set “Receive Wait Time”, if Set = 0, error communication will be Infinite Wait

QJ71C24N Programming Example

+ Disbale “Echoback” & Error Clear

+ Read/Write Distribution

+ Setting Frequency

+ VFD Control Command

+ Data Output Monitoring

+ HMI Interface

Project Video Tutorial


Related Software and Documents

>>> Download GX-Works 2 V1.610L Software
>>> Weintek HMI & PLC Q03UDV “Connection Tutorial”
>>> Download Delta MS300 Inverter Manual PDF

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If you need assistance in using QJ71C24N to control Delta MS300 inverters via Modbus-RTU protocol, please comment below the article, will reply to you as soon as I read comments.

Best Regards!

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