Hello, today plc247.com will guide you to recognize square detection by LabView using Vision Assistant in an extremely easy way.
To be able to learn this article, you must know how to get images from your computer, read the article below to know how to collect images with LabView
In the article I use Labview2019 to work with this project, You can use any version of LabView that supports Vision Asssistant
Step 1: Open the original image
Select a perfect square that you designate as OK

Step 2: Convert “Color Images” to “Mono Images”
Most of Labview’s image processing functions only support Mono images so we need to convert from color images to mono images.
2.1 Choose: Color Plane Extraction

2.2 Select: Insensity Plane

Step 3: Invert Image Color
3.1 Choose: Lookup Table

3.2 Select: Reverse

Step 4: Find the Center of the Square
4.1 Select: Centroid

4.2 Click OK

Step 5: Set Coordinate System
5..1 Choose: Set Coordinate System

5.2 Select: Horizontal and Vertical Motion

Step 6: Square Detecting
6.1 Choose: Object Tracking

6.2 New Object tracking File

6.3 Drag the mouse on the square

6.4 Select Add >>> OK

6.5 Save Object

6.6 Click OK

6.7 Select: Shape Detection

6.8 Select detection area

Step 7: Select Control (Input/Output)
Select the input and output you need to make for the project

With this project, you just need to choose according to the picture below

Labview Program

Detailed Program Running Video
Download Sample Images 
>>> Download Squares Library for Project
Password Extract: plc4me.com
So plc247.com has guided you to detect squares with Labview, in the next article I will guide you to detect circles.
Thanks and Best Regards!