Drives Inverters Guides

Hitachi NE-S1 VFD “Setting Tutorial”

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Hitachi NES1 inverter is an economical line, small in size, simple in installation.
Today will guide you to install and use it in the most simple and fastest way possible.

Hitachi NE-S1 “Wiring Diagram”

VFD Reset Default

We should reset the default value for the inverter before starting to set the parameters for it, below are the parameter settings to default for the Hitachi inverter

+ Step 1: Set “b084 = 2”

+ Step 2: Set “b180 = 1”

Hitachi NE-S1 Basic Parameters Setting

Below are the basic parameters that we need to install for the “Hitachi NE-S1”

Hitachi NE-S1 “Internal Control”

If you want to use the buttons and the built-in rheostat on the inverter to control it, we set it up as follows:

Hitachi NE-S1 “External Control”

If we want to control the inverter by peripheral devices (PLCs, Relays, Switches, Variable Resistors…) then we need to install as follows:

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