Drives Inverters Guides PLC Guides

DVP 14SS2 “Servo Control” Yaskawa Sigma 7 Tutorial

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The Delta PLC DVP-14SS2 is one of Delta’s best-selling PLCs. Compact size, extremely cheap price, built-in RS232/485 and support for 2-axis pulse generation are its great advantages.

Today will guide you to use PLC Delta DVP 14SS2 to control Yaskawa Sigma 7 Servo Motor in the simplest and easiest way.

Delta DVP-14SS2 & Yaskawa Sigma “Wiring Diagram”

Note: Use resistor R = 2K2 (Ohm) to reduce voltage “24 VDC to 5 VDC”

I/O Address Table

+ Input

  • X4: ORG (DOG) Sensor
  • X5: Left Limit Sensor

+ Output

  • Y0: Pulse Output
  • Y1: Direction Output
  • Y2: ON/OFF Servo

Yaskawa Sigma 7 Parameters Setting

In order for the Delta DVP14SS2 PLC to control the Yaskawa Sigma 7 Servo, we need to set some key parameters as follows:

+ Pn200.0: Reference Pulse Form uses 1 pulse control mode (Pulse + Direction)
>>> Select “0: Sign + Pulse, positive logic”

+ Pn200.3: Filter Selection
>>> Select “1: Uses reference input filter for open collector signal (to 200kpps)”

+ Pn20E + Pn210 + Pn212
Three parameter is used to set the number of pulses for 1 revolution of the motor

  • In this Project use “Ball screw leed = 5mm” & ” 1PLS = 10um”
    >>> Pn20E = 16,777,216 / Pn210 = 500

+ Pn000.1: Control Method Selection

DELTA DVP-14SS2 Instruction Explained

Below are the instructions used to return to the base and pulse to control the Yaskawa Servo:

Origin Return Instruction
Increment Generate Pulses Instruction
Absolute Generate Pulses Instruction

DVP-14SS2 “Servo Control” Example

+ Servo ON/OFF, Zero Retrun, Jog Process Control

+ Servo Possitioning Control

Project Video Tutorial


Required software and documention:

>>> PLC Delta Programming Software Download
>>> Servo Yaskawa Sigma Software Download
>>> Yaskawa Sigma 7 Manual PDF Download

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If you have any difficulties in the process of using PLC Delta DVP 14SS2 to control Yaskawa Servo, please comment below the article, will reply to you as soon as I read the comments.

Best Regards!

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