TIA Portal V10.5 is used for programming a completely integrated system, not just like before, but the link between PLC, HMI, SCADA also makes the problem complicated.
STEP7_V10.5_Basic is the first software used to program S7-1200 PLC to replace the old PLC S7-200

If you only need to program S7-1200 PLC, just download this software is enough, because installing TIA_PORTAL will take a lot of time and need a fairly strong computer configuration
Note: TIA PORTAL V10.5 only works on 32bit operating systems
Hardware required
+ CPU: Pentium4, 1.7 GHz or comparable
+ RAM: 1GB or Higher
+ Graphics: 1024*768
Video tutorial on programming with Step7_Basic_V10.5
Instructions for activating the STEP7 software
+ Step 1: Open SIM_EKB_Install software with Run as administrator

+ Step 2: Follow the 4 steps as shown below to activate

Link Download STEP7_V10.5_Basic (520MB)
>>> Download STEP7_Basic_V10.5 with GoogleDrive
>>> Download SIM_EKB_Install_2020_2_29 with GoogleDrive
Password Extract: plc247.com
If you need any other Siemens software, please comment below the article
Thanks and best regards!
please provide the password to extract downloaded TIAV10.5 FILE
Password Extract: plc247.com
is this one comatible with 32bits
yes 32bit