Drives-Inverters Mitsubishi Software

[Download] Mitsubishi Servo Selection Software

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Mitsubishi Servo Capacity Selection Software is a specialized software for calculating and selecting Mitsubishi Servo

This software helps engineers calculate which Servo type to use and how much power to meet the required power, as well as save money.

Operating system support

+ Windows XP, Windows Vista

+ Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10

Detailed installation instructions

+ Step1 : Download and extract the software with the password

+ Step2 : Go to the Disk1 folder

+ Step3 : Run the Setup file and select Next

+ Step4 : Enter user information

+ Step5 : Choose Destination Location

+ Step6 : Create a desktop icon

+ Step7 : Select Finish when the installation is complete

+ Step8 : Open the software and you can work now with it

Instructions for installing software with Video

Link Download Servo Capacity Selection Software

>>> Download ServoSelectionSoftware with GoogleDrive

Password Extract:

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