DriveWizard Industrial is Yaskawa’s dedicated software used to install the company’s inverters, although we can install all the inverters manually, but if there is support software, it will help us easily configure and save money time.
Today would like to share with you this software, it supports Yaskawa Inverter series including: GA500, GA700, GA800, A1000, A1000 (930-1200A), A1000HHP, A1000 (575V), D1000, J1000, P1000, P1000 Bypass, R1000, U1000, V1000, Yaskawa F7, G7, G7 Matrix, P7, G5

Installed operating system
+ Microsoft Windows XP / Vista
+ Microsoft Windows 7(32/64bit)
+ Microsoft Windows 8/8.1(32/64bit)
+ Microsoft Windows 10(32/64bit)
+ Microsoft Windows Server

Video guide to install DriveWizard Industrial
Link Download Software
1. Download via GoogleDrive 
>>> Download DriveWizard Industrial Yaskawa Inverter Software
2. Download via MediaFire 
>>> Download_DriveWizard_Industrial_Yaskawa_Inverter_Software
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